Select Revenue Code: |
Unclaimed Salaries / 33345 / 0008049
LASG BILL - Harmonised Revenue / 32672 / 4000000
Processing Fees on Change of Use of Petitions development Charges / 32287 / 4020006
Registration Fees / 32215 / 4020047
Consultancy Services / 32267 / 4020067
Mortgage of Agreement Fees / 32274 / 4020074
Mortgage of Agreement Fees / 32274 / 4020074
Administrative General / 32286 / 4020078
Annual Renewal Fees / 32282 / 4020083
Prepaid Revenue / 32671 / 4029999
Government V.I.P Guest Houses At Epe And Badagry / 32515 / 4040015
Sales of Boarded Vehicles / 32523 / 4040023
Sales of Publication and Gazette / 32527 / 4040027
Sales of Form (Dedicated) / 34185 / 4040043
Sales of Publication (PSO) / 32527 / 4040081
Sales of Application Forms (LSHB) / 32635 / 4040082
Proceeds from Sale of Lagos State Education Year Book / 32660 / 4040084
Proceeds from Publication on Industrial Policy / 32631 / 4040093
Sales of Staff Quarters / 31303 / 4040104
Sales of Staff Quarters / 31303 / 4040104
Sales of Meal Ticket / 32303 / 4040146
Rent of Auditorium / 32709 / 4050009
Rent in Lieu of Housing Allowance / 32713 / 4050011
Rent on Staff Quarters / 32704 / 4050015
Rent Deductions / 33340 / 4050017
Public Service Office / 34180 / 4080007
Miscelleneous Income / 33101 / 4080022