Select Revenue Code: |
Infrastructural Development Charge / 31817 / 0004732
Neighbourhood Improvement Scheme (NIS) Charges / 31431 / 0004734
First Party / 32367 / 0004753
Billboard / 32445 / 0004754
Third Party / 32368 / 0004755
Small Format And Streetlight / 32446 / 0004756
Mobile Advert / 32369 / 0004757
Unclaimed Salaries / 33345 / 0008049
Waste Collection Charges / 32370 / 0008390
Abandoned/Disused Vehicles / 34189 / 0008394
Prepaid Revenue / 00000 / 1009999
LASG BILL - Harmonised Revenue / 32672 / 4000000
Fees on Building Plans / 32204 / 4020004
Penal Fees on Building Plans / 32205 / 4020005
Processing Fees on Change of Use of Petitions development Charges / 32287 / 4020006
1% Contract Levy / 32237 / 4020037
Laboratory Services / 32246 / 4020046
Registration Fees / 32215 / 4020047
Tender Fees (Ministry of the Environment) / 32255 / 4020050
Tender Fees (Ministry of Physical Planning) / 32255 / 4020050B
Processing Fees For Ratification Application / 32261 / 4020060
Proceesing Fees (Inspection) / 33316 / 4020060A
Penal Fees On Conversion Of Residential Building To Other Uses / 32264 / 4020063
Consultancy Services / 32267 / 4020067
Processing Fees for Layout of Excised Village / 32273 / 4020073
Processing Fees For Land Use Change Application / 33321 / 4020075
Administrative General / 32286 / 4020078
Processing Fees for Town Planning Information Requests / 32285 / 4020086
Fees/Fines/Levies/Penalties / 32333 / 4020090
Change of Use or Increase in Density / 33323 / 4020093
Processing Fees for Investigation of Complaints, Petitions on Application for Change of Use / 33324 / 4020094
Environmental Drainage Infrastructure Development Fee / 32258 / 4020095
Proceeds From Boarded Items / 32318 / 4020097
Sanitation Charges / 34160 / 4020100
Branding of Parks / 32336 / 4020102
LASG Share - Advert / 32756 / 4020103
Advert Permit Fee / 34152 / 4020105
Proceeds from Public Toilet / 32304 / 4020107
Processing Fee / 34145 / 4020111
CTC Physical Planning Document / 32388 / 4020126
Registration of Companies / 32325 / 4020157
Administrative Charges (30:30) / 32308 / 4020161
Penalties for Polution of Water Bodies / 32301 / 4020164
Demolition Permit / 32343 / 4020166
Stage Certification Fees / 32722 / 4020167
Conservation Application Fee / 32449 / 4020169
Conservation Administrative Fee / 32450 / 4020170
Application Fee for Drainage Clearance / 32451 / 4020171
Convention, Fines & Penalties for Drainage Offences / 32452 / 4020172
Regulatory Charges / 33603 / 4020173
Environmental Nuisance Fines / 33301 / 4020177
Environmental Usage Fines / 33302 / 4020178
Drainage Basin Utilization / 33401 / 4020179
Regulations and Compliance fees / 32721 / 4020187
Leak Detection Test / 32338 / 4020188
Chemical Storage / 32337 / 4020189
Regularory Charge - Atwap / 33418 / 4020205
Regularory Charge - Industrial Producers / 33419 / 4020206
Regularory Charge - Hotel / 33420 / 4020207
Regularory Charge - Eatry / 33421 / 4020208
Regularory Charge - Carwash / 33422 / 4020209
Regulatory Charge - Estate / 33423 / 4020210
Prepaid Revenue / 32671 / 4029999
Import Permit For Cats, Dogs & Horses / 32406 / 4030006
Licence Fees / 32429 / 4030022
Water Regulatory Permit / 32362 / 4030023
Neighbourhood Improvement Scheme Charges / 32924 / 4040041
Sales Of Forms / 32534 / 4040096
Administrative Charges / 32598 / 4040098
Proceeds from LASEPE / 34139 / 4040124
Proceeds from Wastewater Projects / 34182 / 4040126
Proceed from Auction / 32587 / 4040127
Fees on Private Layout Plans / 32206 / 4040147
Sales of Boarded Items / 32318 / 4040150
Ground Rent on Tourism Land / 32714 / 4050016
Penalties for Non-Compliance / 32344 / 4060018
Penal Fee Tag Unsealing Fee / 32240 / 4060021
Penalties on Non-Payment of Fees / 32724 / 4060023
Unsealable Fee / 32361 / 4060024
Miscelleneous Income / 33101 / 4080022
Urban Renewal Board / 34180 / 4080036
Urban & Regional Planning Board / 34180 / 4080037
Environmental Sanitation Enforcement Unit / 34180 / 4080040
Ministry of Physical Planning & Urban Development / 34180 / 4080049