
Select Revenue Code:
NTDA Special Project / 31205 / 0004723

Fortune Garden Residential Scheme / 34507 / 0004724

Proceeds from Maiyegun Infrastructure / 34524 / 0004725

Paradise Garden Scheme / 31429 / 0004726

Geographical Information Services (GIS) Fee / 31825 / 0004727

NTDA Mgodo Phase I / 31430 / 0004728

NTDA Mgodo Phase II / 31434 / 0004729

Fairmont Garden / 31815 / 0004731

Neighbourhood Improvement Scheme (NIS) Charges / 31431 / 0004734

Valley View Res. & Ind. Scheme / 31436 / 0004735

Orisan Water Front Res. Scheme / 31432 / 0004736

Ranch View Estate Scheme / 31437 / 0004739

Lands Regularisation / 32595 / 0004740

Sunny Feild Scheme / 31433 / 0004742

Regularisation of Prime Property - V/I / 32921 / 0004745

Regularisation Federal Gant Development Charges / 34501 / 0004748

Regularisation of Prime Property - Ikeja / 34501 / 0004749

Regularisation of Prime Property - Eko Akete (Ocean) / 33326 / 0004750

Epe Alaro Private Dev. Project / 31828 / 0004752

NTDA Private Developers Initiative / 34137 / 0004760

Green Gate Scheme / 31835 / 0004766

Golden Jubilee Scheme (Sangotedo) / 33333 / 0004767

Unclaimed Salaries / 33345 / 0008049

Sub-Lease Perfection / 32329 / 0008052

Rainbow Residential Scheme / 31812 / 0008362

Capital Contr (NTDA) Isheri North Scheme / 31416 / 0008363

Kings Court Mixed Dev. Scheme / 31811 / 0008364

Capital Contr (NTDA) Abijo Scheme / 31415 / 0008365

Registration and Conveyancing Fees / 32355 / 0008388

Survey Fees / 31204 / 0008389

Capital Contribution (NTDA) Lekki I / 31413 / 0008570

Capital Contribution (NTDA) Lekki II / 31414 / 0008594

Crystal Residential Scheme / 31806 / 0008625

Crystal Residential Scheme(Capital Contribution Prime Land) / 31425 / 0008626

Prepaid Revenue / 00000 / 1009999

LASG BILL - Harmonised Revenue / 32672 / 4000000

Approval Fees For Subsequent Transaction / 32201 / 4020001

Approval Fees for Subs Trans (Assignment) / 32650 / 4020001A

Approval Fees for Subs Trans (Sub-Lease) / 32651 / 4020001B

Approval Fees for Subs Trans (Mortgage) / 32652 / 4020001C

Approval Fees for Subs Trans (Form 1c) / 32653 / 4020001D

Approval Fees for Subs Trans (Endorsement) / 32654 / 4020001E

Approval Fees for Subs Trans (Consent) / 32655 / 4020001F

Lands Registry Transactions / 32202 / 4020002

Lands Registry Trans (Up Stamping) / 32643 / 4020002A

Lands Registry Trans (Registration) / 32644 / 4020002B

Lands Registry Trans (Certified True Copy) / 32645 / 4020002D

Lands Registry Trans (Loss of Certificate) / 32646 / 4020002f

Lands Registry Trans (Information Fees) / 32647 / 4020002H

Lands Registry Trans (Processing Fees) / 32648 / 4020002I

Lands Registry Trans (Assess Fees for C-of-O) / 32649 / 4020002J

Survey Fees / 34101 / 4020003

Survey Fees (Charting Fees) / 32203 / 4020003A

Fees on Building Plans / 32204 / 4020004

Processing Fees on Change of Use of Petitions development Charges / 32287 / 4020006

Registration Fees / 32215 / 4020047

Processing Fees For Ratification Application / 32261 / 4020060

Processing Fees for Town Planning Information Requests / 32285 / 4020086

Proceeds From Boarded Items / 32318 / 4020097

Electronic Bills Presentment & Payment (EBPP) / 32354 / 4020110

Fees for the Development of Facilities / 31831 / 4020159

Property Recertification / 32580 / 4020160

Sales of Bidding Documents / 32661 / 4020225

Newspaper Publication Fees / 33348 / 4020235

Annual Ground Rent (PSDP) / 33901 / 4020236

Development Charges (PSDP) / 33902 / 4020237

Administrative Charges (PSDP) / 33903 / 4020238

Prepaid Revenue / 32671 / 4029999

Permit for Use Of Set-Backs & Open Spaces / 32413 / 4030014

Land Development Charges / 32501 / 4040001

Transactions on State Land / 32502 / 4040002

Trans on State Land (Ground Rent) / 32638 / 4040002A

Trans on State Land (Land Charges) / 32639 / 4040002B

Trans on State Land (Lumpsum Charges) / 32640 / 4040002C

Trans on State Land (Premium) / 32641 / 4040002D

Trans on State Land (Regularisation Fee) / 32642 / 4040002E

Transactions on Private Land / 32503 / 4040003

Sale of Prime State Land / 32504 / 4040004

Sale Of Maps / 32242 / 4040005

Regularisation of Govt. Acquisition(North Central) / 33335 / 4040005A

Regularisation of Govt. Acquisition(North East) / 34534 / 4040005B

Regularisation of Govt. Acquisition(North West 1) / 33327 / 4040005C

Regularisation of Govt. Acquisition(North West 2) / 33328 / 4040005D

Regularisation of Govt. Acquisition(South-East) / 33329 / 4040005E

Regularisation of Govt. Acquisition(South-West) / 33330 / 4040005F

Sales Of Model Plan / 32506 / 4040006

Hides And Skin And Leather / 32514 / 4040014

Sales of Stores / 32521 / 4040021

Neighbourhood Improvement Scheme Charges / 32924 / 4040041

Private Estate Developer Scheme / 32575 / 4040075

Badges / I.D Rank Cards / 32586 / 4040086

Sales of Application Forms / 32534 / 4040087

LISSU Project (Lands) / 32588 / 4040088

Sales Of Forms / 32534 / 4040096

Administrative Charges / 32598 / 4040098

Sales Of Housing Units (Housing) / 31819 / 4040099

Estate Ventures / 31814 / 4040103

Proceeds from Sustainable Land Development / 32664 / 4040106

Extension of Land / 31702 / 4040141

Private Sector Developer Programme / 33408 / 4040142

Illegal Extension on Government Land / 33310 / 4040152

Regularization on Premium / 34541 / 4040162

Rent on Proposed Chalets (Abuja) / 32716 / 4050014

Prince-Court Sangotedo / 31823 / 4050050

Green Gate Scheme / 31835 / 4050085

Ibeju Coastal City / 31820 / 4050089

Treasure Park Toga/Torikoh / 31836 / 4050120

Safe-Court ijanikin / 31822 / 4050153

Regularization on Premium / 34180 / 4080004

Miscelleneous Income / 33101 / 4080022

Lagos State Valuation Office / 34180 / 4080034

Agricultural Land Holding Authority / 34180 / 4080044

Consultants and Other Miscellaneous / 33417 / 4080059

Allottees Capital Contribution / 31401 / 4530001

Consent Fees on Deemed Grant / 31403 / 4530002

Grants From Federal Government / 31833 / 4530003

Regularization of Prime Property - Ikeja / 32919 / 4530005

Regularization of Prime Property - Ikoyi / 32920 / 4530006

Regularization of Prime Property - V/I / 34501 / 4530007

Regularization of Prime property - Eko Akete - Ocean Garden, Abijo (Hitech) / 32923 / 4530009

Federal Regularization Ground Rent / 34539 / 4530010

Federal Regularization Grant Develoopment Charges / 34540 / 4530011

Regularization Annual Ground Rent / 34542 / 4530012

Regularization on Development Charges / 34543 / 4530013

Reversal of Collections / 00000 / 4990007