Select Revenue Code: |
Lands Regularisation / 32595 / 0004740
Lands Registry Transactions / 32202 / 4020002
Lands Registry Trans (Up Stamping) / 32643 / 4020002A
Lands Registry Trans (Registration) / 32644 / 4020002B
Lands Registry Trans (Certified True Copy) / 32645 / 4020002D
Lands Registry Trans (Loss of Certificate) / 32646 / 4020002f
Lands Registry Trans (Information Fees) / 32647 / 4020002H
Lands Registry Trans (Processing Fees) / 32648 / 4020002I
Lands Registry Trans (Assess Fees for C-of-O) / 32649 / 4020002J
Fees on Building Plans / 32204 / 4020004
Penal Fees on Building Plans / 32205 / 4020005
Development Charges / 32365 / 4020153
Clearance Fee / 31441 / 4020154
Premium Fees(Land Regularisation) / 32596 / 4020155
Land Development Charges / 32501 / 4040001
Rent (Shop/Officce Space/Stall/Kee Klamps) / 33341 / 4040122
Sales of Isale Gangan Towers and Gardens Flats / 31838 / 4040145
Rent on Urban Renewal Properties / 32710 / 4050010
Miscelleneous Income / 33101 / 4080022