Select Revenue Code: |
Infrastructural Development Charge / 31817 / 0004732
Neighbourhood Improvement Scheme (NIS) Charges / 31431 / 0004734
Fees on Building Plans / 32204 / 4020004
Fees on Building Plans / 32204 / 4020004
Penal Fees on Building Plans / 32205 / 4020005
Processing Fees on Change of Use of Petitions development Charges / 32287 / 4020006
Administrative General / 32286 / 4020078
CTC Physical Planning Document / 32388 / 4020126
Demolition Permit / 32343 / 4020166
Stage Certification Fees / 32722 / 4020167
Fees on Private Layout Plans / 32206 / 4040147
Miscelleneous Income / 33101 / 4080022
Miscelleneous Income / 33101 / 4080022