- An Automated Revenue Receipt is issued for every payment made to Lagos State Government
- Please verify the validity of this receipt by SMS (Format: lasg Entry ID/Receipt Code { i.e lasg 6206195/HAMYHYSR } to any of these SMS numbers 0703-000-3636;0703-000-4040;0703-000-3100;0807-499-9944;0808-708-8888 ) or at the website address: http://www.lasg-ebs-rcm/Validate.asp
- The only reliable way to verify the validity of this receipt is by electronic means as indicated above. Do not rely on visual features as proof of validity.
- Under lasg guidelines, you are to be issued this electronically generated receipt immediately for your payments, even if you pay by a cheque which has not yet cleared
- If this receipt was not issued to you immediately after payment, kindly Contact Us at the address below
- If this receipt was not printed in your presence, kindly Contact Us at the address below
- If your payment has been recognized and reported to the lasg you should also receive an SMS alert with the payment details. If you do not receive this SMS alert within 24 hours of your payment, please Contact Us at the address below
- Do not use Touts. Always make payment by yourself in the banking hall, or through the Internet banking facilities of your bank.
- Do not hand over cash or cheques for lasg payments to Bank Officials outside the banking hall or designated collection centres.
- Never hand over cash or cheques to lasg Officials anywhere to pay or remit on your behalf.
- If you handed over cash or cheques to lasg officials for whatever reasons (trust, intimidation, promise of faster processing, etc), please Contact Us at the address below as soon as possible. All issues are handled discretely and with outmost confidentiality.
- If you have any doubts about any payments you have made to the lasg recently or in the past, please Contact us and we will assist you to review and track all payments you have made to lasg over the past ten years or more.
Note that if your payments are diverted, and you do not take any action to uncover this, you still remain liable to the lasg for the amount due, interest accruing, penalties, and possible prosecution.
Contact Us
+234-1-7613108, +234-7080112233, +234-7080445566, +234-8055097722; e-Mail:, Skype: ebsrcm.helpdesk, BBM: 314CD8A8, Whatsapp: +234-7080112233, +234-7080445566